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Home » Active Resident Artists » Flashmaster63


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To this day, I don't think I've ever finished Pokemon GSC. I really need to. But I have gotten far enough to say I can't stand gym leader #8, Clair "The Blessed User of Dragon Pokemon". She is really just an overgrown brat who can't accept that she loses to the MC and tags on an additional requirement to get her badge. The first time I found out that she didn't hand the Riding Badge over after I beat her Kingdra, I was livid. This is the least of what she deserves.

Had some Halloween stuff planned but it didn't pan out, so I made this as I try and finish my other projects.



Registered: July 2007
Location: Alberta, Canada
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Date: Sat November 2, 2024
Views: 2,903
Tags: 32
Filesize: 1297.0kb
Dimensions: 640 x 576
Keywords: pokemon gsc crystal clair gym leader mf

Junior Member
yep. she deserves this. i love johto but i do have to admit it dose the female gym leaders poorly. Whitney throws a tantrum after you beat her jazmin has you do a fetch quest before you can battle her( admittedly not so bad but she is neglecting her job) and clair as you pointed out throws a tantrum and then adds a fetch quest to get the badge. so yes clair at least deserves this. i would argue whitney dose as well jazmine i think could get a pass but i could see her getting in trouble for neglecting her duty's.
#1 Sat November 2, 2024 02:59

Gold Member
Fun fact: the game actually checks if you visited the location to get the item, so if you cheat the item into your inventory with a game shark, memory manipulation etc. or by trading a pokemon that is holding the item, Clair calls you out on cheating.
#2 Sat November 2, 2024 04:50

It's Morphing Time!
Always happy to see Clair get what she deserves. Whitney was also a brat, but there's something about Clair that makes it even worse. I guess cause she has an air of mature to her that fractures the moment she starts throwing a tantrum and even continues after you pass her trial.
#3 Sat November 2, 2024 05:35

Senior Member
Super cute and nostalgic, a VERY well-deserved spanking for a real brat.
#4 Sat November 2, 2024 11:59

@Pokokid2: yeah, I remember Whitney also being a bit of a brat, so I could see that. But none bugged me more than Clair.
@zae: that's interesting. I wonder why? Does the game do that for any other key items? Because otherwise it should just check if it's in your inventory. I wonder what the trigger is? Strange.
@Jac26qq308: yeah, she talks a big game, And you'd think the 8th gym leader would be less of a brat. I definitely didn't have patience for this at the last gym!
@Kellon: thank you! Glad it's appreciated
#5 Sun November 3, 2024 04:52

Gold Member
flashmaster: I can't remember any other things that are locked behind holding items (maybe key items that can't be held?), I think they did that specifically because they knew it was a hold-able item that can therefore be traded. In the first generation, there are ways to skip certain parts of the game by trading a pokemon that knows a certain HM (and by trading them *away*, there are places you can actually leave yourself trapped and unable to progress the game). So the company knew people could bypass parts of the game by trading by the time we get to GSC, and tried to prevent it.
#6 Sun November 3, 2024 16:45

@zae: I guess that makes sense. Since this was the first edition you could do that, they tried to cover all their bases. Still a bit weird because a lot of things (i.e. HMs) are still locked behind badge requirements.
#7 Thu November 14, 2024 02:16

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