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"and the scores come back, the standings are, Russia in the lead with a score of 16.025, The Untied States, in second with a score of 15.975, and finally Romania with a score of 15.278"

As the scores are read, Michael, the head coach of the U.S. women's gymnastics team turns to his athletes and gives them a pep talk, particularly, a gymnast by the name of Ashley.

Ashley was not really the best athlete that America could produce, but due to several injuries Michael was forced to use her as an alternate. Ashley was rash and, and she had trouble following directions. However, she was the last team member to perform.

"All right Ashley, you can get us a gold, all you have to do is just do what you know and we can walk away from this winners." Michael said putting his hand on Ashley's shoulders.

"I got this don't worry." She said as she went out and stood in front of the balance beam.

Ashley started her routine and as soon as she mounted the beam, she had to check her balance. the routine went down hill from there. at seemed that every move she made she was checking her balance.

Ashley started to panic. it was at this point that she decided that she was going to improvise.

Michael and the rest of the U.S. team sat at the sidelines cringing with every mistake made by Ashley. about Halfway through, Michael watched in horror as Ashley abandoned her set routine and started making up combinations as she went along.

Michael, the U.S. team and even the olympic judges were totally confused. then as Ashley was tumbling through the air, her foot hit the beam wrong and she fell to the mat below.

Ashley slowly got back on the beam and tried to finish her routine. when she wet for the dismount, she landed and fell once again. Ashley then got up and went back to were the team was sitting.

Everyone was at a loss for words. Ashley however sat as though nothing had happened. when the scores were read, Ashley's improv had cost the United States team a medal all together, as she had singlehandedly put the United States team in fifth place.

the rest of the team was devastated. Michael went to ask what had happened. "Ashley what have you done, you cost the team a win?!"

"Don't worry about it, all we have to do is come back in four years, we'll get it then." Ashley said nonchalantly.

"Ashley, this is my last Olympic games, in four years I'll be to old to compete effectively." her teammate chloe said through tear stained eyes.

"I'm sorry, I guess it just wasn't meant to be." Ashley replied.

at this Michael had had enough. Ashley just didn't care that she destroyed the dreams of her teammates and even the American people back home. As Ashley began to walk away, he grabbed her and thrust her over his knee.

He began to spank Ashley in one of the entrances to the gym. her cries of pain where drown out by the cheering of the crowd. However, her humiliation did not go unnoticed. one of the chinese gymnasts came around the corner to wish the U.S. team her good wishes when she found Ashley in her compromised state.

Also by chance, a T.V. camera man just happened to turn around to get a better angle and was shocked at what he saw through his camera.

"You can't do this, this is illegal in America!" Ashley screamed during her spanking.

"good thing were in china." Michael said as he continued the punishment.



Registered: January 2008
Location: It's a long, long way to tipperary
Posts: 47
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Date: Fri August 15, 2008
Views: 5,898
Tags: 11
Filesize: 201.4kb
Dimensions: 1000 x 874
Keywords: spank olympics

my latest pic inspired by the olympic games. I want to point out that this is in no way a slight against the olympics. I am a huge fan of them and I wish the actual U.S. Gymnastics team all the best. this is just my tribute to the games, spanking style.
#1 Fri August 15, 2008 05:07

#2 Fri August 15, 2008 05:15

Cannibal Khan
Very timely.
#4 Fri August 15, 2008 07:26

Goldeagle 1939, you rock! The brat got exactly what she deserved.
#5 Fri August 15, 2008 08:13

Senior Member
Interesting choice of spankee's, considering so many real life stories of the gymnasts being spanked over the years in the news...

bet her team mates give her more back in the locker room as well!
#6 Fri August 15, 2008 09:15

Well, I'd be lying if I said I didn't once think of something like this when seeing them.
But I kind of pitied them because even though they are great, they are just too young for this kind of pressure.

Nice picture!
#7 Fri August 15, 2008 11:56

Senior Member
Very nice! I understand that the Chinese spankee was replaced at the last minute with a younger one.
#8 Fri August 15, 2008 14:11

The Oscar
Nice idea. And yes, just in time
#9 Fri August 15, 2008 14:54

A very detailed and on-time theme picture. I like it, it's well drawn and the colors are very nice. You did a good job with capturing uniforms though I'm unsure if they are 100% like the real thing (I haven't been watching women's gymnastics yet). Anyway I think you did a particularly well job drawing the spanker this time around. He looks very in proportion and his expression is great. And I love the "To the Gym" sign with the pretend Chinese under it, LOL. XD So cute.
I would be pissed if my coach did that too me! I guess she was a brat, but sheesh--it could wait till private, atleast! Either way, great drawing and details~ keep it up!
#10 Fri August 15, 2008 15:07

Demonic princess
And Welcome on China Ashley >: )
#12 Fri August 15, 2008 18:45

It's always nice to have long detailed story ^^.
#13 Fri August 15, 2008 19:34

Junior Member
You beat me to an Olympic Gymnastics Spanking pic.
Ohwell. It's very nice.
#14 Fri August 15, 2008 20:11

Sadistic Artist
LOL, i had this same idea, Great minds think alike. Great job! ^_^
#15 Fri August 15, 2008 21:32

Diamond Stud
The Pouty Artist
So many little details in the background. Their expressions are fantastic.
#21 Sun April 5, 2015 21:43

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