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O.K. not so much a story here as I normally do but I think you all will enjoy it just as much. I was inspired by the classic 80's song 99 red balloons. Here is a little story I was told about the song.

The song 99 red balloons was recorded in the 80's by a West german pop singer called NENA. the song basically talks about WW3 with Russia and the west, where the 99 red balloons were an allegory for ballistic missles.

Well if you go to youtube and watch the original music video, you will notice the video is shot on a West German army base. Guess who the commander of the base was? You guessed it NENA's father!

Being the daughter of the Base commandant she was probably known around the base and was there frequently, but when her father found out the song she had recorded on his base, and the subject matter of the song, he was beyond pissed.

Now I can't say for sure, but this is what I think MIGHT have happened. Or I like to think happened. I tried to research the uniform as best I could but Oh well, it is close. also "NENA'S" outfit is close to what she wore int he video as well, not 100% accurate but oh well. I hope you all enjoy.



Registered: January 2008
Location: It's a long, long way to tipperary
Posts: 47
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Date: Sun January 25, 2009
Views: 5,072
Tags: 8
Filesize: 129.4kb
Dimensions: 1000 x 986
Keywords: 99luftbalons99redballons

Nice picture - even if the memory triggering it is false. The music video for Nena's "99 Luftballons" was shot at the Harskamp military base in the Netherlands. While filming at the base was indeed arranged by a NATO general, that general was the father of the video's director, Bert van der Veer. He deliberately shot the video as "revenge" against his father, whom he hated; meanwhile, the soldiers at the base took to shooting at the balloons on the video set with live ammunition.

Your picture seems to share more with the "Border Guard" series of spanking videos. If the girl was wearing a stereotypical English schoolgirl uniform, and the officer's uniform was more Russian-flavored, it would be a dead ringer.
#1 Sun January 25, 2009 06:06

great pose...I love that leg high in the air.
#2 Sun January 25, 2009 08:20

Now, I still listen to that song
regularly... It's on my MP3-player
you see.. Always had a weak spot
for it.. Can you imagine where my
minds-eye will wander first time
her songs comes around again ?
Thanks a lot ! ... I really mean
thank you ever so much.
#3 Sun January 25, 2009 12:12

Virtual Disciplinarian
Great one. I always thought Nena was rhatehr spankable.
#4 Sun January 25, 2009 12:14

Senior Member
Ha ha - a really original idea!
Nena is sexy and the picture is great.
#6 Sun January 25, 2009 14:24

Rumple's naughty bundle
I really love it^^ and I love uniforms hehe
#7 Sun January 25, 2009 19:52

Actually, your memory of the content of the song is faulty as well. :P
The balloons aren't an allegory for missiles, they are litteral balloons causing the war:
"99 Luftballons, auf ihrem Weg zum Horizont. Hielt man fuer UFOs aus dem All."
"99 floating balloons, on their way to the horizon. They [the army] thought they were UFO's from space."
#8 Sun January 25, 2009 21:02

Bluesleeper and putmeotk, thanks for clearing that up. I probably should have added that, that story was told to me by a friend of mine and I had no reason to question him. I will be sure to pass the info along. You have to remeber this song came out a couple years before my time, lol. I juts got the idea from listening to it on a road trip with said friend who told me the story. Also I know the uniform isn't correct. While I do study military history, I'm not to familiar with Cold War era uniforms and equipment. But all of that aside, It is just a fun picure I thought I would do, and thanks everyone for your comments!
#9 Mon January 26, 2009 00:42

Well even if a few of the details were fuzzy (It's nearly impossible to get the full truth from anything said on the Internet) the picture is none the less enjoyable, and a bit humorous if you think about the context of the spanking at hand (true or not).
Proportions here are really quite on, laid out well, except her raised leg looks a bit smaller than her lowered leg. I also think her bottom looks too flat for the way she's kicking. I think that her "upper cheek" for a lack of better ways to differenciate should have a sort of dimple between her thigh and buttock, to show the flesh coming together there because her leg is kicked up so high. Just make sure to take into account what the flesh might be doing because of relationships with the body itself or other objects.
Really great work!
#12 Mon January 26, 2009 16:53

Diamond Stud
The Pouty Artist
Love the way she twists. It looks like she's really kicking hard! Her bottom must be pretty sore.

Great work!
#14 Mon April 6, 2015 03:48

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