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Home » Dormant Resident Artists » Lady Shiroi


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Hi guys, missed me... Probably not, but I'm drawing anyway
This is a picture of me and Maja (Kira_Wolf_Cub), and to be more clear, I'm the one with the bare bottom^^
I wanted to do this one on the computer, but... I don't have a program for it, and if I had I probably wouldn't be able to use it. Never worked with any, so I'm quite sure it would take me some time to understand how to do it
As it is, I'm using crayons again, and sadly it shows what way I went with them. I hate that, as the more I try to avoid it the worse it gets.
I also hate drawing hands. When one of them comes out good, theother just won't
But enough whining. I love drawing, and that's what it is about.
Hope you enjoy^^ (Especialy you Maja :*)


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Registered: May 2007
Location: Poland, Gdańsk
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Date: Tue February 17, 2009
Views: 5,122
Tags: 31
Filesize: 251.6kb
Dimensions: 874 x 1200
Keywords: otk

The Only Danish Wolf
o.O Holy.... you gave me breasts! LOL, this looks great love, I love it.
#1 Tue February 17, 2009 18:54

The Monster Under the Bed
very nice work. lovely facial expressions ^^

try to excert as little pressure as possible on the crayons and move then in a single direction. its time consuming but should give a smoother finish.

Very gently rubbing it with a thumb or finger will also help smoothen the colours out a bit. just make sure you have very clean hands when doing so to avoid skin grease from making the paper dirty ^^

Hope this helps ^^

and please make more. its good ^^
#2 Tue February 17, 2009 19:02

Spankhappy Megaraptor
Ah, good to see you getting spanked again.
#3 Tue February 17, 2009 19:05

Very cute picture! Seems like a very enjoyable spanking. x3 Of course your art was missed. =P *spanks you for thinking otherwise*
#4 Tue February 17, 2009 20:40

~loves lilies and roses~
Looks rather cute ^^
#5 Tue February 17, 2009 21:05

woot! You did an awesome job for "just crayons." Especially her red bottom, that's done masterfully well. This is wonderful work of art and very cute too. F/F is the best
#6 Tue February 17, 2009 21:13

Demonic princess
Cute !! Anime otk girls are the cutest of the world ! ......especially me >: )

Superb !
#7 Tue February 17, 2009 21:48

Even done in crayon this picture still looks very nice. I think you both look lovely. I like the way the panties are rolled and tucked as they are. ^^ Cute! Very well drawn, keep up the good work.
#8 Tue February 17, 2009 21:53

Because Words Matter
Oh wow! That's such a beautifully drawn picture! I'm glad it looks like you and Kira are having a nice time, Lady... thanks so much for sharing! ^_^ Your eyes are both beautiful - I haven't seen that way of doing them before... and I like how you have yourself looking thoughtful-ish while you're getting your spanks! ^___^!
#9 Tue February 17, 2009 22:31

Junior Member
Nicely Done
#10 Tue February 17, 2009 23:13

Senior Member
Lady, This is excellent ! Of cousrs you are one of the girls I listed as I most wanted to spank in the forum, so I am dripping with envy of Maja. This is another picture I am going to copy put in a spanking scrap book.
#11 Wed February 18, 2009 00:39

Uncle Bill's Naughty Girl
Wow Magda this is great you did a fantastic job for using just crayons I wish I had the nerve to hand color some of my pics but I don't think I would do a good job if I tried not like you did. I completely understand about how you feel about drawing hands I hate it when the fingers don't come out the way you want them to but you did a wonderful job here and I did miss your work I know we have been through this before but I feel you draw a lot better then I do. Bottom line I love it love it love it maybe one day you will draw a pic for me ^-^ keep it up Magda are very talented.
#12 Wed February 18, 2009 02:23

it's lovely...
#13 Wed February 18, 2009 06:11

Virtual Disciplinarian
Beautiful work my Darlin' daughter! I love everytihng about it, from the two lovely ladies portrayed here to the lovely red glow of your bottom. All I can really say is just.....wonderful.
#14 Wed February 18, 2009 09:50

Super Moderator
I'd like to thank you all for the nice coments. It makes drawing so much more fun^^
And I don't know about Maja, but I definitely enjoyed that spanking
#16 Wed February 18, 2009 10:37

Pervert Persona
AHHH! This is so darned lovely, LS! I've been waiting for a new upload from you...! I saw all your lovely old Sailor Moon pics, too, which were gorgeous. X3 This is a real treat, to see two cute gals in the same picture together! Love it! The line art is beautiful, as usual, and the gentle pastel colours are warm and welcoming. Nice bum. ;]

Thank you for sharing, and I hope to see more, soon! =D
#17 Wed February 18, 2009 10:47

The Oscar
good work on the panties
#19 Wed February 18, 2009 17:06

Senior Member
C'est beau.....En plus la fesseuse est d'une fraicheur !
#20 Wed February 18, 2009 17:45

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