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Home » Dormant Resident Artists » RobM


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The trouble with old partners, is that they don't like it when the new partner matches up with someone else!
Ada Wong, spanking Excella.
Jill Valentine, spanking Sheva Adomar.

You probably can't tell AT ALL what the hell I've drawn, but I've run out of time, I start classes in two hours and won't be free to work on a new drawing for the foreseeable future TT__TT

Mina requested I use leather Ada instead of Red-dress Ada. I also tried clubbin' Sheva (Only to realise its complicated and I can't remember what it looks like from the back!)
This drawing is fail~


~Sweetest Cyanide~

Registered: February 2007
Location: Sweet Isles
Posts: 3,593
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Date: Thu October 1, 2009
Views: 6,775
Tags: 11
Filesize: 789.5kb
Dimensions: 900 x 700
Keywords: double ff otk game sheva jill valentine resident evil

Another winner! I love this one!GREAT!
#1 Thu October 1, 2009 11:02

Yummy! =D<br>
#2 Thu October 1, 2009 12:11

<P>Ooo totally not a fail! I love everything about the strapping: the fuck off gun, the coloured marks, the position, the intimacy of holding her leg and&nbsp;how the strapee seems to be enjoying herself :P</P>
#3 Thu October 1, 2009 15:49

The Oscar
<P>HOHO. I like it</P>
#4 Fri October 2, 2009 16:03

VIP Donator
Great work. Good luck with your classes.
#5 Fri October 2, 2009 19:46

I love it. Resident Evil and spanking. A great combination!
Great picture.
#6 Sun January 24, 2010 02:14

Junior Member
If this is actually a game mode or scenario in any RE game then can I be Sheva and Excella or play as them in it?
#7 Mon March 27, 2023 17:42

Junior Member
Even if she might not have anything on Ada Wong, Excella Gionne from RE5 strikes me more as the type who'd be on the giving end instead of the receiving end.
#8 Mon March 27, 2023 17:44

~Sweetest Cyanide~
@UBCS Not sure if a legit question but there is a gamemode in RE5 where you can play as Excella and various Sheva builds. It might be PC only in the gold edition? Can't remember if its Survivors or Mercenaries mode but its a time-attack thing.

I really loved Excella. Too bad they barely used her in the story.
#9 Sat April 1, 2023 20:16

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