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Also some lessons in ettiqutte, posture, grammar and the art of wearing high-heels. At least one of which is a lot harder than the other - no prizes for guessing which (I hear your feet hurt for hours after).

This is the laziest of my lazy sketches, Lolo can knock something 3x as good out in less than half the time, bleh~
I've never drawn Mina before, without her hair I'm not sure how to get her distinctive character across.
Comments from all are welcome


~Sweetest Cyanide~

Registered: February 2007
Location: Sweet Isles
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Date: Sat July 17, 2010
Views: 3,652
Filesize: 322.8kb
Dimensions: 900 x 900
Keywords: minaslessonsvocalcoaching

Demonic princess
Eeeer..."With" not "Whit"..."With" not "Whit"..."With" not "Whit"....

One day, i'll sucess ! ^^

And it must not be easy to draw me with another haircut.
#1 Sat July 17, 2010 11:48

Moé Princess
Oh Poor Mina. That must be torture. Great work Robbie-pie.
#2 Sat July 17, 2010 12:03

The Yellow Imp
despite the fact that its seemingly not easy to draw our mina without her normal haircut/hairstyle, i think the picture is awesome. and you´re right mina you will sucess one day^_^
#3 Sat July 17, 2010 12:05

Senior Member
oh my! poor Mina! Once my toes almost died from those boots... they were grey and hurting like frost-bited
#4 Sat July 17, 2010 14:34

The Monster Under the Bed
mehehe anotherone that made me snicker X3
#5 Sat July 17, 2010 15:11

Demonic Vassal
I like Mina-sama's new hairstyle, it's an elegant look, even if I prefer the original. ^^ And also, shouldn't it be "please to make your aquiantance?" Don't be teaching Mina-sama the wrong things.
#6 Sat July 17, 2010 15:39

~Sweetest Cyanide~
Thats what I was *trying* to teach her. Sadly I can only correct her mispronounciations, I can't hear when she spells it wrong too.
#7 Sat July 17, 2010 16:13

Super Moderator
I had a feeling you wouldn't be able to keep yourself from drawing a pic.
Love you're pose... the teacher that seams to not even care, and yet...
#8 Sat July 17, 2010 16:29

Hehe, I love to see it's not just me that notice her repeated and utter failure of saying 'whit' all the time, which will in due time ensure the destruction of Belgium and probably infect Germany as well.
#9 Sat July 17, 2010 20:19

Oh man! You made me remember the time I also use to wrote “Whit” instead of “With” *Shame on me*
But hey! We all have different styles and this picture is all about of what we try to transform Mina in a proper Lady!
#10 Mon July 19, 2010 06:53

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