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Home » Active Resident Artists » Communal Gallery » Communal Archive 2010


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Guess you could consider this a sequel to my "Don't Teach Naruto That" picture since it's from the same rp. It takes place not long afterwards, when Sakura learns she was spanking a clone. She eventually finds the real one, and they end up meeting Temari. the sand kunochi ends up taking the pranksters punishment into her own hands (or would it be hand lol)


Legendary Beast Tiger

Registered: July 2007
Location: wildomar, california
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Date: Fri December 3, 2010
Views: 5,890
Tags: 3
Filesize: 77.6kb
Dimensions: 572 x 855
Keywords: mastervegeta tiger naruto temari leaf sand ninja shinobi

~Sweetest Cyanide~
In the last two years, I must be honest - I don't think you've improved at all. I suggest both more practise and investing time and money into learning/researching proper construction of a drawing.

The proportions arn't bad - but that sort of thing can be adopted through the use of referencing. Your anatomy is not great. Arms and limbs give you a significant problem at the joints - they don't bend like that at all. The length and thickness seems okay to me, the joints are wrong and make it look lopsided. Waists are not straight lines, arms are not curvy or twisty at the joints. I assume you're trying to imitate an anime style, there's more to it than bright colours. I can see some traces of your original pencil sketch underneath the colours, no construction lines though. Spend more time on the original pencils, draw each limb twenty times if you need until its good - and if it isn't. Turn the page and draw something new.
Character imitation is spot on, just needs to be matched by more practise.

Draw something more than once every six months if you want to get good, this looks exactly the same as the stuff you posted two years ago with no significant improvement except the shape of the faces. I'd have expected someone to have come a lot further in that much time. Go practice more, get better at construction lines, go learn how to draw joints properly - then you can start on the rest of it (eyes, noses, fingers and toes - all of which are off).
#1 Fri December 3, 2010 22:47

Some notes: the faces aren't really that bad; you could tighten them up with practice and realization that paper can represent 2D forms quite well. Really, this looks very hurried; you can probably produce something quite impressive if you sat down and put in work and thought into each individual part, as it looks like you have the gist of what you were wanting to create and transferred just the gist to paper. I am not in the business of telling someone to not speed through things; I do it all the time, and usually take pride in it. However, I never wanted to be a trend setter, and expected my art to be penalized as a result regardless. In your case, you should be wanting to do the opposite. Take as much time as you need: art should not be sped through, especially if the artist in question lacks the good habits that allow his wrist to quickly repeat the appropriate lines that constitute pleasing forms. I think you can do better, and at the same time, I think, through you, I now understand why art classes are three times as long as others. Thank you, and take my words into account. Take your time and learn how clothing folds, how flesh bends, and implement that into your loose, juvenile forms and you might produce something akin to a cartoon character.
#2 Fri December 3, 2010 23:18

Probationary User
#3 Wed December 8, 2010 07:50

charles wilbourn
Gold Member
beautiful, blushing cheeks. I love it!
#4 Thu March 13, 2014 10:17

Senior Member
I have to disagree with Robm here. I see improvement. The coloring is better, the body figures are more accurate, naruto's but could use more plumpness but other than that I can't see anything else that could use improvement. ^^
#5 Wed March 30, 2016 19:27

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