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Home » Dormant Resident Artists » Bobae


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this is coloring version
and keep vote her name

i think this pic need more descrition
i cant speak english well but i will try

well maid is just maid she is come my previous pic something difference previous picture
but she will be complete soon...
name , and....etc

and woman who grip a cane she is mother
upstair girl but she(mom) is not right clothes
i mean grandmother do not like she's clothes
but grandmother live without family

and daughter such a rude and naughty girl
she broken base but her mom is no idea who
is real offender just poor maid " " she know who broken base but she do not say even sting her bottom ......because ... i have a story
but i want explain by picture or comic ...
not soon ...but i will..



Registered: February 2011
Posts: 24
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Date: Fri April 8, 2011
Views: 11,191
Tags: 40
Filesize: 893.3kb
Dimensions: 1050 x 1157
Keywords: maid serise01

The Yellow Imp
wow what a beauty!

now about the name: Anna? Rose? or what about Camille?
#1 Fri April 8, 2011 14:57

Aww, she's so cute!

Caroline, Susan, Tiffany? :3
#2 Fri April 8, 2011 15:11

Senior Member
Not bad the blow of wardrobes with a mirror(bulls)
#3 Fri April 8, 2011 15:33

Dr. Weird
Oh, this is lovely. Is it the same family as your previous work? The maid's name needs an 'A' in there somewhere... Anya, Madeline, Nicolah, etc.
#4 Fri April 8, 2011 15:36

Artist of the Damned
This is an amazing picture ! 0.0
The view in the mirror is lovely, and the little girl at the top of the stairs made me laugh ! Did she frame the maid ? Oh my, that caning is gonna sting !
BTW, I totally luv when spankees are bent over the back of chairs, it's so formal and exciting. A major fetish of mine. =3

*Circe gives the pic a rating of one billion*
#5 Fri April 8, 2011 15:45

VIP Donator
Masterpiece! *__* It's so good I can't even express. I LOVE this art, it's so awesome. 20/10!
#6 Fri April 8, 2011 16:39

Shadow Artist
Amazing work. Can't say anything less. You are definately one of my favourite artists around.
#7 Fri April 8, 2011 17:30

thanks a lot for comments
and appolozise for my english cause
if i speak english well i will replayed all
comments ...
/Dr.werid yes this family made my previous pictures mom and upstair girl
are otk... well... i dont remember clearly
and maid is Maidhigh
#8 Fri April 8, 2011 18:12

Immortal Commenter
Masterful coloring and shading, I love the reflection in the mirror so that we get a view from both angles, I hope that keeps up in any future installments.

Even though it can be a little difficult to follow, I love the idea behind the pic's story too, it seems like you have things well fleshed out ^_^

Anna, Emma, Annmarie?
#9 Fri April 8, 2011 19:16

Immortal Commenter
Oh wow...JUST spotted the perpetrator up on the stairs there...nice work! I really hope to see more XD
#10 Fri April 8, 2011 19:17

Incredibly good art and coloring if you ask me. But to be honest I am still leaning towards the more simple beauty of the black and white one.^^
#11 Fri April 8, 2011 20:36

The Monster Under the Bed
very nice work on the reflection especially
#12 Fri April 8, 2011 20:52

Senior Member
Awesome work!
#13 Fri April 8, 2011 21:48

Senior Member
This is a real work of art. Please continue!
#14 Fri April 8, 2011 22:35

The Oscar
Sooooooooooooo sexy
#15 Fri April 8, 2011 23:36

Aww, I knew the little devil did it. Your art is great. I like how you uploaded the lineart version too. Very clean line.
#16 Sat April 9, 2011 05:28

Junior Member
*Points to Jinchu's post, than holds up sign that reads: That goes double and triple for me! Keep up this awesome work, Brilliant!*
#17 Mon April 11, 2011 05:30

it's perfect piece..I don't have word. The spanker woman is amazing, ass, face...spankee is also nice!!
#18 Thu April 14, 2011 13:04

Wow I'm so sorry I missed this, it's so beautiful and stunning. The complete detailed background is rendered fabulously and the characters are just as beautifully drawn and colored. It is absolutely great! The story is creative and sexy too..I just hope you will do more soon! Great great work!!
#19 Tue May 17, 2011 23:28

Brilliant! Waiting for your comic, it ought to be even more cool...
#20 Wed May 18, 2011 13:08

Gold Member
WOW! Amazing pic! Love the color, the figures, the positions...everything! Your talent is truly awesome !!!
#21 Sun June 19, 2011 20:09

Oh the reflection...
#22 Sun February 24, 2013 03:03

Senior Member
does she have two left hands?¿ i love this drawing by the way .-random person: wait a second wayne theres two hot thing three if you count the mother theres the image in the mirror and a good view of the goods and your looking at the hands*wayne gets slaped*
#23 Wed February 11, 2015 21:15

Diamond Stud
The Pouty Artist
The story and the drawing are both creative and highly detailed. That poor maid's going to be sore while that little brat gets away. I bet she'll break a picture frame next.
#24 Thu April 2, 2015 17:57

"But Frau! It was not me!"

"Oh? And who was it? A boogeyman? Don't lie me, Miss Schmidt! I thought you deserved just six of the Best for breaking the vase, but since you try to fool me, you'll get the baker's dozen!"

"Hehe! Now you'll pay for leaving me without a dessert, Greta!"
#25 Sat November 30, 2019 01:28

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