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Home » Active Resident Artists » Fireball » - Fireball's: Yukari stories


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IchiGo IchiE

Registered: April 2008
Posts: 328
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Date: Sat May 14, 2011
Views: 4,171
Tags: 2
Filesize: 175.3kb
Dimensions: 500 x 500
Keywords: sapphire

She still believes it is a war xD
#1 Sat May 14, 2011 20:44

The Freudian Slip
Ultimate Alchemist
Love is a battlefield! ... Maybe.
#2 Sat May 14, 2011 21:01

Senior Member
This is gettting so interesting
#3 Sat May 14, 2011 21:14

She is so adorable and naive I want to hug and squeeze her!!! Hehe. I think she is way off, I can't wait to see her surprise when...well. I don't KNOW what will happen but I can hope! Is it sadistic of me to want her cute bottom to get bared and spanked? ^^;;
#4 Sat May 14, 2011 21:26

Cc you are evolving into a more dominant naughty spanker >:3 soon you will be on par with Mina when it comes to dooming naughty bottoms xD
#5 Sat May 14, 2011 21:39

The Freudian Slip
Ultimate Alchemist
Yes, sadistic and naughty! x) Seriously though, she kind of deserves it; she assumed something (unless that woman turns out to romantically involved with the teacher?), she is skipping class AND a test, and she is more or less hitting on the teacher... so her fate is sealed! :P
#6 Sat May 14, 2011 21:40

The Monster Under the Bed
I think we all want to see that Cc
#7 Sat May 14, 2011 21:53

Probationary User
Hehehe. Her naivety is endearing. Beautiful artwork with her dress, by the way.
#8 Sat May 14, 2011 22:33

Gold Member
It's amazing that a character so sweet, sincere and eager to please finds herself getting spanked so often.

Great work, as always, Fireball.
#9 Sat May 14, 2011 23:54

VIP Donator
I agree with others above me. Her naivety is sugary sweet.
#10 Sun May 15, 2011 00:49

Dah Man!
I agree with all the above as well, and hope like Cc that she gets her naughty bare bottom finally spanked.
#11 Sun May 15, 2011 05:07

No Girl you are NOT winning the war ....., but you will see about that soon enough kukuku ....

i somehow want Misato to spank her, don't ask me why :P
#12 Sun May 15, 2011 12:03

~Sweetest Cyanide~
"Winning?" Oh, you poor, delightful, naive, sweet little girl...

She is sooo sweet and innocent and naive. She's possibly in for a huuuuge catastophy in the next few panels and I can't wait... I can't look. Its too sad but its too perfect...
Fireball - you are an EXCELLENT story teller, really fantastic!
#13 Sun May 15, 2011 21:38

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