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Home » Dormant Resident Artists » Rak


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Yeah, so, I needed something to get my drawing going again after a slew of computer problems, before I go finish the ton of commissions I have currently on hold -_-

Screw you, hard-drive!

Oh well, at least the pic is not too bad. I thought a little humour couldn't hurt, and I dont think I'd seen a hipster spanking before, so there

Hope you like it!



Registered: April 2007
Posts: 636
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Date: Mon June 13, 2011
Views: 5,530
Tags: 22
Filesize: 326.7kb
Dimensions: 575 x 749
Keywords: otk lingerie hand hipster boyfriend mf

Gold Member
Lawl I love Rak's arts -w-
#1 Mon June 13, 2011 01:26

Haha, this is great.

Needs moar PBR, however.
#2 Mon June 13, 2011 02:41

The Monster Under the Bed
whats PBR ? >.>
#3 Mon June 13, 2011 05:13

Pabst Blue Ribbon, an american beer (if you may call american beer "beer") that's apparently the beverage of choice for hipsters, from what I gather
#4 Mon June 13, 2011 05:19

Senior Member
It actually is fairly good beer you can actually taste the flavor of hops in it as opposed to the Light Beer Swill. Nice picture.
#5 Mon June 13, 2011 05:31

This gives me a chuckle.^^
Nice seeing your art again, seems it's time to bust out the deluxe box of ginger root.
#6 Mon June 13, 2011 06:15

Little Miss Badass
Is that really the best thing to say in this situation? Very nice.
#7 Mon June 13, 2011 08:10

Gold Member
"(if you may call american beer "beer")"

Hey now, don't lump the countless superb American brews with the mass-produced garbage that frat boys drink.

And I guess that sounds kinda hipster, heh.

Anyway, the only response to that could possibly be "so is spanking with the panties up". :P
#8 Mon June 13, 2011 08:37

Gold Member
Oh, and as cheap beers go, PBR isn't horrible. It tastes like seltzer water. That's a compliment, as it's at least drinkable. Most beer of its price range tastes like battery acid, water from a rusty pipe, or some combo thereof. Having known many hipsters, it's definitely the hipster brew of choice, though Blue Moon might rival it on occasion.
#9 Mon June 13, 2011 08:42

Dr. Weird
Got a snicker out of me with this one. Sorry to hear about your computer troubles. Hope we'll see more from you now that you've got it running again.
#10 Mon June 13, 2011 22:59

Moé Princess
Pffft. I agree with you, lady.
I only get spanked ironically.
#11 Tue June 14, 2011 00:24

I have yet to have an american beer that isn't crap.
#12 Tue June 14, 2011 16:24

Lmao...Hipster spanking xD
#13 Tue June 14, 2011 23:45

VIP Donator
Sexy, but when a spankee acts bored, the correct procedure is to spank her harder!
#14 Fri June 17, 2011 16:55

VIP Donator
Oh, this lady is SO sexy!
And great, GREAT concept. XD
#15 Sun June 19, 2011 18:29

~Sweetest Cyanide~
Love your taste in lingerie - and I love her cleavage. Her character design suits it, this is something which really appeals to my inner pervert and her design is excellent, especially her face and lips.

Its really warmly coloured and I for one like the layout and design ^^
#16 Fri July 22, 2011 09:45

Senior Member
#18 Sun August 28, 2011 21:33

She looks so board maybe he should spice it up a little with a hairbrush or paddle.
#19 Sat September 3, 2011 12:37

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