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Although not quite as exploitative as my last Teaser, this one certainly covers the actual Sappho's themselves. Its a quick drawing to introduce the characters~

This is the Imperial Guard Sappho 33rd, Rear Echelon Garrison and Interdiction Brigade.
Regimental Nickname; Sappho's Hammers.

Their homeworld where the regiment was founded is Sappho, a 40k take on the Isle of Lesbos, they're an all-female regiment, including the officers and non-native Regimental Commisar-Major Jamie'lial from the tribal backwater of Xerros.

Stationed on the Shrine-World of Morlis where most of my warhammer stories take place their assigned orders are to guard the planet. The Sappho's are not a line regiment, they're commonly deployed to worlds directly behind the front lines that may face attack by enemy units marauding or flanking.
They're a mixed-brigade of three battalions including an enlarged medical company, several artillery companies, a mechanised company of troop transports and a light-attack vehicle company (No armour or tanks however and they do not have any aerial vehicles).
Their specialties are training PDF troops and superior defensive garrison of exposed worlds, often for years at a time.

These are the human protagonists in my forthcoming 15 page warhammer action-and-spanking warhammer comic. I've got three pages left to finish. It took me three weeks to do the first 12 pages and that was in January. Since then I havn't had time to be able to so much as tweak the dialogue. Hopefully it'll be finished soon for your enjoyment.

Part reference used for the spacing and parts of the poses. The vehicle behind them is a Tauros, I spent ages drawing it only to end up almost competely obscuring it. Damn. The whole drawing took me sooooo much longer than it should have done to draw, I meant to be finished in just two days, instead it took a week at about two hours a day, most of that time doing nothing. I need to get back into the spirit of it~
Feedback welcome, as well as speculation as to just what the hell I'm teasing you about anyway!

PS: Tell me if the size is too big for your monitors, I'm trying to find the right dimensions for the pics.


~Sweetest Cyanide~

Registered: February 2007
Location: Sweet Isles
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Date: Fri July 22, 2011
Views: 3,438
Filesize: 674.6kb
Dimensions: 1000 x 600
Keywords: warhammer 40k imperial guard sappho guardswomen soldiers pose gravure

A very colorful ensemble of ladies, I like all the different poses you've explored in getting them into a group shot here! I like the vibrant color usage and am sorry you had to cover the vehicle you worked so hard on!
I think it's impressive to do comics in such a short time (3 weeks, 12 pages? Not bad!) But anyway I understand how you get lulls. I'm in one now. I have some desire to draw and ideas but just can't will myself to do it some some reason. =/

Anyhoo I look forward to seeing this comic completed in it's full form! I believe this is the one you showed me some snippets of earlier, so it will be great to see it all come together. You tease!

Nice work, Robbie!
#1 Fri July 22, 2011 14:05

The Yellow Imp
RobM, this looks really, really promising

thoose Females are really looking good, and beautiful too.

i´m so looking forward to this comic^^
#2 Fri July 22, 2011 14:10

The Monster Under the Bed
I see we have 3 HQ choices. 2 Fast attack, and 3 heavy Support.

The Imperial Guard consists of both men and women, but commonly they are devided into single sex battalions to prevent complications.

Ofcourse there are exceptions to this case such as seen with the Tanith 1st (and only) and the Valhallan 597th. Both regiments having male and female mixed units.

anyways, looking forward to seeing the actuall comic. For the Emperor.
#3 Fri July 22, 2011 14:51

VIP Donator
Being the 40k geek that I am, I would have to ask why an IG regiment is tasked to guard a Shrine World? That's what the Orders Militant of the Adeptus Sororitas are for. If a Shrine World is of especial importance, there may even be a Grey Knight or Imperial Fist detatchment.

Still, I look forward to this comic.
#4 Fri July 22, 2011 23:27

~Sweetest Cyanide~
@ CC and Jalocin; Thank you ! I know a few off the heads are too big or too small for the bodies, a few of the limbs are a little too long or too short and I used the 'SD style hands/feet' a little excessively to save on time - so I'm glad you are finding some enjoyment out of this~

@ Aprion; The Sappho Thirty-third are a mixed half-brigade force combining an artillery, armour, mechanised and line troop battalions. The choices are intended to show which battalion the girls are members of. HQ is the command and general staff, heavy is the artillery and anti-air battalion which , fast attack are the mechanised troops.

@ Madcat; The IG would be defending the world if there was a nearby warzone or incursion, all nearby planets not threatened would recieve beefed-up defences and garrisons, possibly for a decade or two. The adeptus Sororitas tend to only guard their own convents, the orders hospitalier wouldn't be defending anything. The grey knights only hunt demons in small teams, they're a purely offensive strike force and suck at fixed defence, they certainly don't guard anything and they're top-secret, finally I think you mean the black templars rather than the imperial fists - they probably would have a presance at the shrines if they were big enough - however the point is that the Sappho's arn't guarding the shrines, they're defending the planet as part of the standing garrison.
Morlis is a tree-green little agri-world, not a major hive-world, they're not on any pilgramage routes so they don't exactly rate much higher than a handful of regiments to spend their time training the local PDF and spending their wages.
#5 Sat July 23, 2011 08:21

VIP Donator
The Fists guard a number of Shrine Worlds, the Black Templars, as one of their Successor Chapters, don't really defend much of anything, other than a few Fortress Worlds they've selected, rather willy-nilly, along the trails of their crusade. Being primarily fleet-based, however, they've not much call to defend something.

I was, for Sororitas, thinking more along the lines of the Order of the Ebon Chalice or Order of the Bloody Rose, not the non-Militant orders. Ebon Chalice, especially, has taken a rather sudden interest in a number of worlds in the Imperium (like the gakky planet Iocanthos in the Calixis Sector, for some unfathomable reason), rather than remain on Holy Terra. It seems GW might actually be advancing the storyline, at least as far as the Sisterhood is concerned!

... but, really, I was just pulling your chain with the Soroitas comment, it's your story, tell it like you want to.
#6 Sat July 23, 2011 08:41

~Sweetest Cyanide~
I think the fists guard only the worlds they recruit from, but I do take your point. However I'm sure unless canon has changed that its the templars who guard shrines and the pilgramage routes around the place. Canon probably has changed.

I understood what you meant by Sororitas, but as I said, they only guard their own convents - they're pretty imfamous for standing there watching as the planets cities burn to the ground so long as their relics are safe - no imperial with two brain cells would rely on them to garrison a whole planet, certainly the guard don't rate them as useful in a fight as they're more likely to get you killed.

If you want a good picture of what Morlis looks like, or what sort of shrines the planet has, check out CM_Zs collaborative comic with me, its the same planet;
#7 Sat July 23, 2011 09:16

VIP Donator
Yeah, the BTs are now the Chapter that were, originally, the most hot-headed of the surviving Fists, immediately post-Heresy, and so launched their eternal crusade, to prove their dedication to the Empire. They do have a few watch-stations on their Fortress Worlds, from which they take their new recruits during the pacification of such worlds, but these generally do not become Shrine Worlds, simply because there's usually no other Imperial forces involved in BT crusades.... although the BT will join into a crusade already in progress by other Imperial figures.

Canon has changed a lot. Where Chapters used to be restricted to 1000 Marines, many of them now number far more than that. The BT, for example, are said to number 5-6000, spread out over several Crusade salients in a number of Sectors, as well as providing some to the ranks of the Death Watch.

The IF, as we see in the Ultramarines movie, especially, are sometimes assigned to Shrine Worlds where particularly potent Imperial relics, or icons of Chaos too dangerous to move and impossible to destroy, are found.

Liked the comic, only some canon-based quibbles about it (at least insofar as what has been revealed in the story).... namely, Sisters travelling "incognito". They wouldn't know the meaning of the word, their entire lives are spent in the Convent, and, especially for the Orders Militant, the concept of a "normal life" is utterly alien.

... but other than that I really liked it! You guys should move on to Chapter 2, because there's far too little WH40K/SpankoFic crossover action in the galaxy!

Speaking of, they've changed the way the Ordos Militant operate. They're now much more likely to participate in various Imperial Crusades, sometimes fielding forces of thousands, with their own Fleet and Heavy Armor support (like the "Immolator", a Rhino variant mounting twin-linked heavy flamers, twin-linked Heavy Bolters or Twin-Linked Multi-Meltas, or the "Exorcist" long-range missile tank) to aid a number of Imperial Crusades. The Order of the Ebon Chalice, especially, saw heavy action during the 3rd Armageddon War, and suffered heavy casualties in fending off the Ork. Though they're used as a Red Shirt army in a lot of battle reports and fluff, other fluff depicts them as highly desired allies on the battlefield by Marine and IG units alike.
#8 Sat July 23, 2011 10:22

~Sweetest Cyanide~
I think you seem to be mixing uncanon elements (like the ultra marines movie, which was dreadful rubbish) and canon elements like brand-new revisions only relevant to specific plots into a whole. Even GW arn't this litteral with a lot of their 'localised' changes to continuity.
You also seem to mixing and matching words from different paragraphs of what I've said too, oddly~

I wouldn't rely on the ultramarines movie to tell me that guillimens chapter wore blue, let alone take creedence from it. Even if it was fully canon, there's a huge world of different from a military force of jailers watching over a sinister item of demongraphy or guarding shrines on shrineworlds.

The Orders Militant (ordos militant are the specifically the inquisition when discussed as a whole body) of the sisterhood may support crusades, but I don't take that as evidence of anything other than 'shared objectives' and even then, imperial canon, especially from the guard perspective, still treats the sisters as being a bit "Whats important to you, isn't important to us!" They're not part of the imperial command structure, follow no orders from commanders other than their prioresses. In the 3rd armaggedon war I'm sure they did take heavy casualties, but so did everyone else~ I know they're well equipped and that they 'support' crusades, but this is not the same as being trustworthy - they always have their own agendas. The agenda may not be sinister, it may just be to kill all the xenos but their heavy-handed tactics cause collatoral damage, they may well choose to bombard to dust a target guardsman are currently trying to capture intact and they don't particularly care about what the wider crusade objectives are, they do their own thing which sometimes coincidentally means being allies, but they're not a reliable combat force if you want something specific which they don't.
I maintain, any sensible miltary commander wanting something defended would send a regiment of his own troops, rather than trusting the whims of some god-botherers who arn't actually under your command, even if they are in power-armour a soldier who doesn't follow your orders famous for only defending their own stuff may as well be a bystander.

As for the 'incognito' sisters, thats perfectly normal. They arn't militaris, they're famulous who have large networks of secret informants, undercover agents and field-agents. Travelling incognito for church field agents is perfectly normal.
#9 Sat July 23, 2011 12:21

The Monster Under the Bed
Only about 10-20% of all the girls taken in by the Sororitas become actuall Battle Sisters. Most others end up as doctors/nurses, teachers, priesteses and any number of non battlefield ( yet much required ) roles .

As for the battle sisters themselves.. They are famous ( or infamous ) for causing significant amounts of collateral damage. Since they favor flame and melta weapons above all else. They would happily burn down an entire town of people just to get rid of a small group of heretics. Better they receive the emporers "Mercy" then risk one heretic from escaping.

Imperial guard commanders tend to be extremely weary of them. And field commanders/battalion leaders usually have standing order to "get the frak out of their way" when they are deployed to a combat zone were the sisters are involved.
#10 Sat July 23, 2011 13:14

Actually, the UM movie is perfectly fine canon-wise, just not to take as a rule, it's never said that the IF are the default garrison for any relic, they are just guarding that particular one. Chapters have been known to be guarding relics if the deemed them important to the chapter; it's not unheard of, far from it. But the IF has no particular status in guarding relics.
The Adepta Sororitas, on the other hand, is a branch of the Ecclesiarchy, not the Guard, and, as RobM said, are not subject to the Guard's chain of command in any way. Though they have heavy ties with the Ordo Hereticus, they are not inquisition forces either. As they are Ecclesiarchy, it's purely logic that they would be guarding shrines, and Shrine Worlds, isn't it?

One should not confuse variation in canon and out of the norm figures. 1000 marine per chapter hasn't changed, it is still fully canon, the BT are just an exception (and should the =][= have definite proof of their numbers they might try to deal with it --though they would have a hard time doing so, admittedly). What's more, they are on a perpetual crusade to prove their loyalty after the Navy was forced to attack the Fist due to non-compliance with Guilliman's splitting the legions. It's repentance (or was, in the principle).

Basically, Rob's right, and sisters can do whatever they want. That is, until next month and the first part of C:SoB in WD...

As far as the pic goes, it looks good, very colourful. I looove the use of proper game iconography xD
3 HQ, 2 Assault, 3 Heavy, quite nice. And an all-female cast, that should prve interesting!

Naruki is missing a nose, though. Generally, you seem to have a tendency to make heads a little too small (particularly Elsie and Rika's). Nothing dreadful, don't worry too much, but still. Keep working on hands, there's no magic formula for that except hours of practice -_-; That's for the criticism. I can't wait to see the proper comic, you tease! But you already knew that

The pic's size is fine to me, could even make it bigger if you wanted.

Now get to work! *cracks whip*
#11 Sat July 23, 2011 13:15

~Sweetest Cyanide~
@ Aprion; I've definately taken licence with the different orders of Sisters. There's a few that turn up in my stories, some real, some that I manufactured along standard lines.
The two incognito sisters from my collaboration with CM_Z are (allegedly) of a famulous order.

Though there are several orders represented on Morlis, there's no militaris of any kind stationed on Morlis, if that clears it up. As you see in the comic, the world doesn't have any relics, its a planetary graveyard. The shrine's are for the dead, not the living and the isolated farmsteads and small communities don't make up much of a target for pilgrimage.

@ Rak; I found most of the UM movie overblown when it came to the combat and the fighting, the kids were supposed to be cadets but wore full armour and wiped out chaos marines? I guess implausable isn't the same as being uncanon, thats very true and you're right there.
Perhaps just because I disliked the movie, I let that prejudice my opinion too much~

Naruki wasn't supposed to be drawn with a nose, I just didn't get the shape of the head right, that should be her nose in profile but her head looks too curved too soon. I hope that these errors won't show up in my comic when its (eventually) published.

Any of you guys wanna take an educated guess at their ranks too?
#12 Sat July 23, 2011 13:54

The Yellow Imp
@RobM: you are so wellcome, in my opinion, you are among the best artists here on Aotk, and you will allways be that
#13 Sat July 23, 2011 14:09

The Monster Under the Bed
If i had to take an educated guess, then the ladies sporting the single ^ would probably guardsmen First Class. aka rank and file troopers.

in case of the double ^ probably a squad sergeant/captain.

Blank Square. im just guessing wildly here.. logistics officers? keeping in mind they are from a mixed unit.

Our I sporting lady would probably be the regimental commander. wich are most commonly colonels. Again, wild guess. I honestly can't be certain about their ranks, with the exception of our lady Commissar.

Commissar technicaly isn't a rank as they are outside the chain of command of the Imperial Guard.

Commissars are special Imperial officers assigned to Imperial Guard regiments and Imperial Navy ships, whose purpose is to enforce discipline and devotion to the Emperor of Mankind.

Within their own organisation they do hold ranks. Them being:

Cadet Commissars
Junior Commissars

Colonel-Commissar being an extremely rare rank that is seldom seen.

the most commonly seen Commissars are those of captain ranks. sometimes with 1 or 2 attached trainee commissars of Junior rank.
#14 Sat July 23, 2011 14:23

~Sweetest Cyanide~
@Aprion; Very nearly~ Certainly along the right ideas, I based 'em off US Army insignia. One stripe for basic, two for corporal. The Gold Box/bar is for Luitenant, the I is for captain.

The colonel is a little aloof, she probably wouldn't want to pose with her grunts ^^
As noted earlier, the Heavy units are the regiments artillery battalion, Lt Shisuke commands the Anti-air with two other Lt's commanding the Earthshakers. HQ for the command staff and tactical, Yumie is a radiowoman. Elsie's fast attack battalion holds the Tauros squadren but also do piquets since they've got the mechanised troops. Jamie'Lial is definately the lone wolf, she turns up randomly, occasionally leaping out of a bush at a passing trooper screaming "If I was a heretic infiltrator, you'd be dead by now - you're on a charge, trooper!"
#15 Sun July 24, 2011 11:26

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