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Home » Dormant Resident Artists » Lady Shiroi


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Hi everyone
This picture is something I worked on for the last four months, so I hope you like it^^
The idea came to me after Mina commented on my meme (her's the link for those who don't know, or don't remember it... https://animeotk.com/gallery/animeotk...-27s-meme.html) but I didn't start right away as I couldn't decide on the setting. Once I had that, the rest came practically on it's own.
This is my first attempt at drawing Mina properly, and I surrendered my own rear for it, so please let me know what you think ^_-


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Registered: May 2007
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Date: Mon October 24, 2011
Views: 4,484
Tags: 29
Filesize: 73.3kb
Dimensions: 1023 x 1200
Keywords: mina ladyshiroi catgirl otk

Demonic Vassal
Muwahahahahaha ^_^ Fantastic as always Lady-Shoroi! I love it, you made Mina-sama look sexy, cute and evil ^_^ And your own bottom is nice and warm and smexy I can't wait to see more!
#1 Mon October 24, 2011 22:18

Gold Member
cool this is great
#2 Mon October 24, 2011 22:38

VIP Donator
I like it! Two really sexy girls, and the picture is rather expressive. ^^
#3 Mon October 24, 2011 22:45

Artist of the Damned
Yikes ! Those thin switches STING like you wouldn't believe !
You are a brave girl for volunteering for that treatment, and Mina is sure to make it last a very very very long time.
Great job on your shoes, and the fringe on Mina's top is totally cute !
Please post moar. ^-^
#4 Mon October 24, 2011 23:15

VIP Donator
You have done fantastically. I am looking forward to your next works
#5 Mon October 24, 2011 23:26

Senior Member
vary cute
lady mina spank alot buts don't she
#6 Tue October 25, 2011 01:58

Immortal Commenter
Fantastic follow up m'Lady XD
#7 Tue October 25, 2011 04:03

Demonic princess
Sorry for not responding, i was very busy....demonic stuff and all....

Very nice drawing, Shiroi ! I kinda ripped my shirt but it make me even more sexy ! Your awsome drawing will join my collection !

And about you, KAITO1991, if i'm not the one spanked it's cause i'm a demonic princess, invincible and cute ! Why and HOW someone can beat me to give me my own discipline ? Thehe...hmm...Maybe my mother....and Rosewhip.....and keane.....humph.....And tha paladiness Exodus....and....ANYWAY ! It was the last time ! Now i'm more powerfull ! ^^

Thanks again for the drawing, Shiroi, you'r a good neko !!
#8 Tue October 25, 2011 07:12

Heehee, you truly are too rare a sight.^^
Great and sweet work, really love the way it came out. Good job!
#9 Tue October 25, 2011 12:01

Looks like nothing can stop the beautiful Demonic Princess. Awesome job! ^^
#10 Tue October 25, 2011 16:40

Shadow Artist
Looks awesome. Impressive work.
#11 Tue October 25, 2011 19:53

Spankhappy Megaraptor
Nobody messes with Mina....except me. XD

In all seriousness, great work.
#12 Wed October 26, 2011 06:42

Green Imp impgreen
love the ripped shirt, very sexy.
#13 Wed October 26, 2011 23:56

VIP Donator
Good job showing Mina's confident triumph over you as she lays on that switch. The punishment was well-deserved, no doubt.
#14 Fri October 28, 2011 09:39

Senior Member
Very nicely done Lady Shirio, I must confess I have always wanted to give you a spanking.
#15 Sat November 12, 2011 04:18

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