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Home » Dormant Resident Artists » Lady Shiroi


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I was searching for the release date of the DVD today, and while I waited for my Internet to stop being annoying, and just load the site, I began to draw... this is what came out of it. It's obviously not finished. I may, or may not decide to do so. It was challenging for me as I am completely not used to drawing cartoon characters, not to mention ones I saw in 3D. I apologize for the bad quality of the pic, but my scanner can't do any better^^

As for the pic itself....
Dracula: I can't believe you stuck around man!
Johny: I go... I go! This time for real!!! Just please put the brush down.

Dracula is supposed to be smirking, but I obviously need to work on expressions Why a hairbrush... dunno, somehow I envisioned that, to be his tool of choice... so, without further ado, enjoy^^


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Registered: May 2007
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Date: Thu December 13, 2012
Views: 6,540
Tags: 1
Filesize: 103.9kb
Dimensions: 1310 x 1420
Keywords: hotel transylvania dracula johny

Artist of the Damned
Hotel Transylvania ! I luved that movie !
I wish they had shown Mavis more often, of course. But besides that it was a fun little flick, light on storyline, light on character development, but an amusing ride with gorgeous backgrounds and lovely monsters.

I agree, a good hairbrushing would have helped the backpacker at ton to focus his attention. X3
Fantastic job on your accuracy with Drac and Johnnystein. ^^
#1 Thu December 13, 2012 22:55

LOL I was thinking about that movie today and it was in my dreams! I loved the movie. I can't wait for it to come out on DVD!

Nicely drawn! When i saw the scene before they rearranged the tables, when Dracula put him in time out i laughed and of course thought of something like this
#2 Fri December 14, 2012 01:59

The Only Danish Wolf
Very nice Shiroir. I haven't seen the movie yet but I will as soon as possible
#3 Fri December 14, 2012 07:31

Senior Member
I really enjoy your art, i hope we see more of it soon ^^
#4 Tue January 20, 2015 05:46

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