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Aunty’s Daycare Pt1 - The start of a new series commissioned by Scorpio411, I will be cycling through the different series I have being commissioned from here on out, next is a new installment of ‘A New Fashion’ by Marwood



Registered: February 2012
Posts: 324
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Date: Sat December 13, 2014
Views: 8,720
Tags: 29
Filesize: 615.8kb
Dimensions: 900 x 1103
Keywords: enf humiliation embarassing preperation

Diamond Stud
The Pouty Artist
Well, Natalie is a beautiful gal to model the teddy bear logo! She's probably not enjoying it now, but her mommy will take good care of her. ♥
#1 Sat December 13, 2014 08:29

VIP Donator
now would be a good time for her to take on the role forced upon her and start crying because the other girls are being meanies
#2 Sat December 13, 2014 14:09

Oh, I'm sure she'll be crying soon enough, for a different reason.
#3 Sat December 13, 2014 16:12

Probationary User
LOve all these drawings simply outstanding, and in this day and age there are a lot of young women who could attend this institute. Would have been nice to see a brush drawn on the chair waiting to be used
#4 Sat December 13, 2014 18:55

VIP Donator
I fail to express my love to this picture. Oh my. Too hot.
#5 Sat December 13, 2014 19:33

I do what I want ♛
Poor lady.
#6 Sat December 13, 2014 22:15

Probationary User
OH MY WORD!!! I cannot wait for more of this series, You are awesome!!!
#7 Sun December 14, 2014 04:51

Lizardopholus Pervi
Another winner - you certainly have a devious mind. By the way I think I like the cute little logo on her panties best.
#8 Sun December 14, 2014 05:47

Diamond - I am sure you are right

Charles - Thanks!

Izumi - haha, if the commissions call for it she will

Collegeboy - yup

Michael - I think the brush is for later

Jinchu - Thanks!

Vulcan - She'll be fine

okmzz - haha, thanks! You can thank Scorpio411 for writing and paying for this series

Surfing - haha, as devious as my mind is this one is all Scorpio411 in terms of story, I merely drew it
#9 Sun December 14, 2014 10:28

Gold Member
Wow...double wow...triple wow !! Waiting with baited breath for more of this "Daycare" series !! Your talent never fails to tantalize....that's a fact !!
#10 Sun December 14, 2014 19:16

Gold Member
Hmm. Do I detect a little wish-fullfilment here? And I don't mean of cute girls, being spanked. I mean notice most of the bad brats former occupations: Lawyer, Hedge Fund Manager, CEO...
Given that, in the real world, so many of the big cheeses of the corporate , financial , and yes, governmental system seem to be getting away with everything but murder these days, I can't say I disapprove!
#11 Mon December 15, 2014 06:35

Gold Member
I hope sometime you get a commission to draw or draw for yourself one of those ANNOYING feminists. Not the type for equality, but the type that like some spoiled brat complains of every little thing and doesn't even notice or care when her arguments are self-centered or contradictory to some of her other arguments. I know in real life, I'd LOVE to see Anita Sarkeesian with a hot tail!
#12 Mon December 15, 2014 06:38

Jubal - Thanks!

Remo - I dunno if it's wish fulfillment per se, whenever I create spankees I tend to lean towards cruel people who used their power to humiliate others, and are now in their own predicaments as a form of karma justice. But as for the commissioned pieces I get, it's up to the buyer what the professions are, sometimes I steer them a way I feel would be more original (like I keep getting lawyers as a spankee, so I have been trying to aim new career paths to mix it up a bit).

As for feminists getting spanked, I would prefer not to draw that. I truly think women have it far worse in the world then men and am all for them fighting back. I think the feminist movement will even effect our industry of adult content as women are going to become more involved in the creative process of it once the double standard of 'it's okay for men to be into these things but not ladies' dies out. It will probably create content I am not into but I am still down for it as I am happy for all these niches to be filled On top of that, feminism is merely women stating reasons and opinions they deserve rights, and I don't want to create spanking scenario's where people are put down for thinking a certain way, even if they are annoying about it. On top of not believing in spanking outside of RP and fantasy, even in these fake scenarios, I prefer spankings for punishment, not control

But alas, as I said, I am down for all people to have an opinion and am even down for you having yours Just stating why that will not become a scenario I indulge into.
#13 Mon December 15, 2014 07:07

Senior Member
Very very nice
#14 Tue December 16, 2014 20:08

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