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Home » Active Resident Artists » Circe


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For those of you not familiar with the setting, it's from the cartoon My Little Pony.

The main character is Rarity. And SoreLoser ( seen later ) is a little character that Mina and I took some liberties with. X3

The whole idea is based on the episode Rarity Takes Manehattan.



Artist of the Damned

Registered: June 2007
Location: Forbidden Forest
Posts: 8,786
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Date: Fri November 25, 2016
Views: 3,841
Tags: 3
Filesize: 354.1kb
Dimensions: 849 x 1100
Keywords: rarity soreloser pony

The backwindow is the entrance of choice for the distinguished burglar I'll have you know.
#1 Fri November 25, 2016 18:32

Artist of the Damned
Le backwindow is just an euphemism for anal, silly Nadja.
Fine fine....OR burglary too.

#2 Fri November 25, 2016 18:36

Fool Emeritus
The whole idea is based on the episode Rarity Takes Manhattan.
So... first we take Manehattan, then we take Berlin?

...sorry, I had to. I'll go back to my 'fawn-over-artwork' corner now.
#3 Fri November 25, 2016 18:47

Gold Member
Oh the innuendos =w=
#4 Fri November 25, 2016 19:18

Are you suggesting someone was knocking on Rarity's butthole, Circe? It's only page 2.
#5 Fri November 25, 2016 19:20

Senior Member
The day has come. Circe went pone. And boy, it gonna be gooood).
#6 Fri November 25, 2016 19:23

VIP Donator
So... is it Pinkie? Or a mysterious spanker? Or pizza delivery? So many questions!
#7 Fri November 25, 2016 19:44

Fool Emeritus
Are you suggesting someone was knocking on Rarity's butthole, Circe?
Knocking on heaven's door... XD
#8 Fri November 25, 2016 21:03

Demonic princess
All these reactions just for some knockings V.V
#9 Fri November 25, 2016 21:49

Gold Member
Well, I've heard the expression "back door" as a reference to anal intercourse, but "back window" I hadn't (until now) come across.

So this Rarity character is an anthropomorphic pony, or (given her small horn in front) perhaps a pony-unicorn, hmmmm...?? --C.K.
#10 Fri November 25, 2016 22:46

It's Morphing Time!
"Back window"

I'd make a joke, but clearly I was beaten to the punch XD
#11 Fri November 25, 2016 23:08

Dysgraphic Brat
@ck in the cartoon MLP: Friendship is Magic, she called a unicorn and is full pony form. this comic has her in a semi-humanized form.
#12 Fri November 25, 2016 23:27

Immortal Commenter
Someone seems a bit snobbish XD
#13 Sat November 26, 2016 01:21

The Monster Under the Bed
No no Circe, you were quite right about the meaning of backwindow.
That's MANEhattan you silly foal. XP
#14 Sat November 26, 2016 04:48

Jinchu: You took the comment from me, I thought to write that same hahaha
#15 Sat November 26, 2016 18:13

Artist of the Damned
Leonid: XD For Berlin we'll need more beer. ^^
Archer: The innuendos are a healthy diet for us. ;p
Nadja: It's #2 ! Think about eeet...... X3
HungryMan: Once you've gone pony......it's never phony. @_@
Jinchu: I'll take the pizza... *Cue's the porn movie music* Boo...chicka chicka waa waa.....
Leonid: There is a stairway to heaven someplace. ;p
Mina: You getting jealous, dear ? I'll knock on your back window again soon. ^_~
CrimsonKidCK: Yup ! Anthro-Unicorn. From MyLittlePony tv show. ^^
JacTheKraken: There will be other jokes, don't worry. ^_^
Rogue-Kun: We needed the Anthro version for story 'plot' purposes. X3
Cante: She is. Actually she's a very nice girl, but snooty at the same time. V.V
Aprion: Ack ! Spelling mistake. *fixes eeet* Thanks hon ! ^^;;;;
Lakaren: No Pinkie Pie this time. n_n
#16 Sat November 26, 2016 18:46

This gonna be awesome,Circe!^^
#17 Sun November 27, 2016 08:09

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