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Home » Active Resident Artists » Autumnxsnow


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H'ok, I hope this description box will work. How are you all doing?

So a while back I came across an artist user here on this site whose name I forgot, that have traced my Horsing Around Part two drawing but with their own characters. I didn't do or say anything because they just traced and copied my pose and concept and I didn't think it was TOO bad and didn't really want to be dramatic about it

However, a few days ago a friend of mine brought to my attention another user on Deviantart (user is LThorne25) that literally stole another art of mine, this time my Weekenders fanart of Lor and her brother. They literally just changed the colour scheme and made it their characters

This time I confronted them and they first deleted my comment but after I confronted again, they blocked me. My friend who alerted me told me that they have since deleted the post but we don't know if they'll do it again or if there are other users who have done the same. It also made me wonder how many other artists they copied

Plagiarism is really no joke. You can get in really big trouble. If you use my art for fun, that's fine but don't go claiming it your own. Also, if you gonna copy my concept/poses, go ahead but give me the credit.

Sorry for the rough doodle, I just did this super quick because I wanted to talk about this. Since Damien is a university professor, he takes plagiarism very seriously.

I hope I'm not being too dramatic about this



Registered: September 2012
Location: Canada
Posts: 109
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Date: Fri October 7, 2022
Views: 3,379
Tags: 19
Filesize: 250.4kb
Dimensions: 913 x 1613
Keywords: plagiarism

Senior Member
i just went to see his page in Deviantart and already recognize at least 2 other artists that dont have anything to do with spanking art, so yeah i am pretty sure that most of his work is most likely stolen from someone
#1 Fri October 7, 2022 08:23

Slowth Kun
I'm so sorry you're going through this. Having someone directly copy your work (usually things you spend hours or days on, might I add) really sucks and is never a pleasant time. It'd be different if they were just inspired/took influence. But clearly from their behavior, they are unapologetically tracing/copying your hard work.
It might be worth discussing this with the moderators if the artist is on here as well.

Hopefully, this situation can be resolved. Stay strong and don't let this MF ruin your day. I haven't seen much art from you but from this, I can tell you've a very talented individual. Keep up the amazing work
#2 Fri October 7, 2022 11:06

Senior Member
"The perpetrator is a victim, too."

Yeah, there are several pieces on that "artist's" page I recognize THOROUGHLY, and many in different art styles.
#3 Fri October 7, 2022 13:17

yaoi fangirl 99
Dragon Master
Definitely not being over dramatic about this. Plagiarism is indeed serious and it is honestly so lazy on those other people's part to just steal instead of trying to work on their own craft. I would highly recommend putting a watermark on your work to prevent/discourage people from doing this again. I love when you release something new and I would hate for you to stop using this avenue to express your art because people are buttwipes
#4 Fri October 7, 2022 16:05

Sorry to hear about this autumn, if it's possible i would recommend reporting them to Deviantart. But don't worry art thieves always get found out. Keep up the great work
#5 Fri October 7, 2022 17:25

A lot of dumb people think deviantart is like a pinterest for them to reupload art from others, the best we can do is have audiences be aware and inform us, like what happened in your case, the posters should at least credit artists or put up links to the original works, we will have to see how it goes, but i think you have the right call in this situation.
#6 Fri October 7, 2022 21:40

Huh, seems he has a gallery here too
#7 Wed October 26, 2022 18:18

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