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Home » Dormant Resident Artists » Goldeagle


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Captain Marcus could see his villa in front of him overlooking the wheat fields that had just been planted. The sun shone brightly on his face and he could smell the sweet nectar of the flowers in the air. Marcus got a smile on his face and walked the short distance to his home.

Marcus had been away from his wife and daughter for over a year. He had been in Gaul fighting the barbarians in the imperial roman army. he longed to hold his family in his arms.

Marcus walked thorugh the door and hoping to find his wife, Christiana, in good spirits, he was soon disapointed.

Christiana sat at the kitchen table weeping. He hair was matted and her eyes heavy with sadness. Marcus feared the worst.

"Christiana, what is it? What happened?" Marcus asked franitcally.

"it is your daughter. She has grown into a bullheaded young woman. she no longer listens to me and is hateful to me all the time." Christiana cried.

"Where is she?" Marcus asked, wanting to put his tired wife at rest.

"She is with her friend Emma. they are in her room scheming about how to make my life hell." Christiana said lowering her head back to the table and contueing to quietly cry.

Marcus could not belive his ears. When he left Their daughter Sibylla had been the perfect little girl. She had grown while he was away and apperantly thought she no longer had to listen to her mother. Marcus was determined to set her straight.

Sibylla did not know he was home so he went quietly to her door. he could hear her and her freind in the room talking about something in the town. Marcus took a few deep breaths and then prepared to enter.

Emma sat on the end of Sibylla's bed as the two girls talked about some of the gladiators that they had seen in town. Sibylla stood next to her at the foot of the bed.

Suddenly there was a loud crash from the entry of the room. Emma tried to get to her feet as a roman soldier came storming intot he room. Emma fell to the floor as the soldier sat sibylla down on the end of the bed. he then lifted her legs into the air holding them still with incredible strength. Sibylla's entire rear end was now exposed to the cool air.

"So you think you can mis treat your mother while I'm away do you?' if you insist on acting like a spoiled little girl then I will treat you like one" The soldier yelled at Emma's friend.

"Daddy no please don't! I'm sorry, I swear!" Sibylla tried to plead with no avail.

Sibylla's father then began to spank his daughter right in front of Emma. Emma was frozen by the scene. with each smack, Sibylla's rear end became redder and redder. fianlly the punishment was over. Sibylla curled up on the bed sobbing while her father then looked down at Emma.

Emma swallowed hard as she got the mental cue to leave now. on her way home, Emma could not beleive the strange feeling she felt in her lower stomach,strange, but it felt good. for the rest of the trip home, Emma tried to think of a way to get her fatehr to do the same thing to her.



Registered: January 2008
Location: It's a long, long way to tipperary
Posts: 47
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Date: Thu June 26, 2008
Views: 4,663
Tags: 10
Filesize: 468.5kb
Dimensions: 1000 x 1000
Keywords: rome spank soldier diaper emma sibylla marcus christiana

Johnny Apple
Indeed,in Roman society the father had virtual power of life and death over his offspring. There's no way that I could imagine a legionary officer tolerating such mayhem in his home. Actually he'd be more likely to use a ROD upon her bare bottom! Spanking was a very normal part of Roman culture.
#2 Thu June 26, 2008 05:26

Get over here~!
Woow hehe thats a firm ass spanking, you can feel the heat off those red orbs ^^
#5 Thu June 26, 2008 19:21

Senior Member
Too bad Marcus was POISONED by his daughter 3 days later... Roman attitudes...
#6 Sat July 5, 2008 14:27

charles wilbourn
Gold Member
I love it!
#9 Fri July 11, 2014 21:00

Diamond Stud
The Pouty Artist
Yay, Roman spankings!!! Sibylla looks like a very sorry young lady now with that bright red bottom and teary face.
#10 Mon April 6, 2015 18:09

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