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Karan was a privliged girl. She got to chose what ever she wanted to do. That even meant her punishments. Whenever she would do something wrong her mother would ask her what she thinks she do do about her misbehavior. Karan was not stupid, she always told her mother.

"I thnk you should forgive me mommy." An so it always was, her mother would forgive her and she would be off.

However, she was now older. she had gone to school and her friends told her about their parents punished them for doing wrong.

"When ever I get into trouble, I get a spanking." One of her friends told Karan one day, when the girl commented on how she sat, on a hard surface.

Karan could not understand the concept. she would never chose such a punishment, but lately, she was feeling very guilty for all of the wrongs she had done, and the hardship she caused her mother.

One night, Karan was at home with her mother who was hosting a dinner party. guests had come from very far around, and all were dressed imaculatly. The night howver would not go without Karan finding something to disagree with and she threw a childish tantrum, even though she was well into her young woman hood.

her mother sent her upstairs to wait for her to deal with her until the party was over. several hours later, Karan's mother entered her room to find her daughter laying on the bed.

"All right Karan, I know you knw that what you did tonight was wrong. What do yout think I should do to punish you?" Her mother asked.

Karan did not answer right away. She sat ont he bed and her mother sat beside her. "I don't know Why do't you think of something." Karan asked meekly.

"No Karan. You decide. Only you know." her mother said.

Karan thought and thought. Her stomach was in knots thinking about what she was going to do. Thinking back to her friend at school Karan answered.

"Mother I think you should give me a spanking." Karan answered in a whisper.

"Are you sure dear?"

"Yes, I am sure."

With that, Karan's mother lay Her daughter across the front of her lap and pulled her red dress over her buttocks. she then pulled down her panties.

Karan hid her head in her mothers lap as the first whack fell on her bottom. the sting sent shivers all over her body. She did not have time to rest however as her mother continued with whack after whack. Finally karan could take no more.

"i'm sorry mother. I'm sorry I acted up tonight. I'm sorry for all the other times I misbehaved too. even back when I was a little girl." Karan wailed.

"I know honey. I left it up to you so that when this day came, I knew you had matured as an adult, to take something unpleasant. Unfortunatly, we have a lot of cathing up tp do." Her mother answered.

Karan slowly nodded her head as she took the spanking. whack after whack fell on her now very sore bottom. Karan sobbed and wailed but she grabbed her mother by the waist and held on tightly. She felt loved.

When it was over, Karan lay sobbing in her mothers lap. The two girls fell asleep and the next morning Karan sat with the same uncomfortable bottom her friend had experianced days prior. Karan felt good though. she felt as though she had truely grown up. Her mother plan had worked. From that night on, Whenever Karan misbeahved she could count on her mother giving her a well deserved but loving spanking.



Registered: January 2008
Location: It's a long, long way to tipperary
Posts: 47
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Date: Wed December 17, 2008
Views: 4,043
Tags: 7
Filesize: 107.3kb
Dimensions: 618 x 1000
Keywords: youdecide

wonderful story, I do love pictures with background
#1 Wed December 17, 2008 06:03

This is truly great pic, the story is super too!!
#2 Wed December 17, 2008 13:39

The Oscar
i really like this angle
#3 Wed December 17, 2008 15:59

nice job at tackling a unique pose. Turned out great, good story too. (even though I'm not into inter-family spankings as fantasies, but it still was well-written.)
#4 Wed December 17, 2008 20:51

charles wilbourn
Gold Member
a warm--or should I sat hot--spanking.
#7 Fri July 11, 2014 20:43

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