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Mrs. Collins was the best choreography in all of Scotland. She had performed shows for many heads of state including, the Tsar of Russia, the Kaiser of Germany the President of the United States and even His Majesty King George V.

Becuase of her celebrity status, she was very selective of the girls she choose to include in her routine. She was also know for punishing the girls should they step out of line, but it was a small cost of perfection.

Mrs. Collins had been very strict as of late. A performance for the royal family was drawing ever nearer. As chance would have it, an opening for the lead position came up.

Erica wanted desperatly to be in the lead role, performing for the royal family. it is what she had always aspired to do. She practised and praticed, in between her studies, between her meals, and any other waking moment she could get away with it.

However, things were not so good. Lara and Adeleide wanted the positon just as much as Erica. However, they didn't want to put forth any more effort than they had too. So they began to conspire against Erica their only real competition.

For several weeks they thought how they would bring her down. Finally they figured it out. Mrs. Collins always had Erica make sure the stage was secure. As Erica completed her job, Adeleide and Lara came out of their hiding spots and loosened the curtain ties.

Several minutes later, practice began and Mrs. Collins was in a sore mood. Every little thing began to frustrate her.

"I'll not have you lot embarrass me in front of the King, you can mark my words. Now get it right!" She yelled starting the routine again.

As the girls leaped and danced across the stage, the vibrations did excatly what LAra and Adeleide had planned. The curtian shook it's self loose and fell several dozen feet to the stage. The heavy red fabric knocking dancers and Mrs Collins down.

After Untangling herself Mrs. Collins walked furiously to Erica. Everyone knew what was coming next. Mrs. Collins grabbed the bewildered girl by the arm and led her backstage. Faing her against the wall, she removed her panties and went to retrieve the paddle she used for this occasion.

Mrs. Collins knelt down beside Erica and as she did, Lara and Adeleide sat on a small bench not far away. They put their arms around each other and silently congratulated each other.

Mrs. Collins then began to furiously smack Erica's bottom with the paddle. She felt confused, she felt ashamed, but most of all she was disapointed. With each smack she knew that her dream of gaining the lead role was fading. She began to cry, both from the pain, and the disappointment.



Registered: January 2008
Location: It's a long, long way to tipperary
Posts: 47
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Date: Tue December 30, 2008
Views: 4,746
Tags: 7
Filesize: 124.2kb
Dimensions: 1000 x 662
Keywords: ballerinaspt1

Pt. 1 of 2 will Erica get her spot, or is she doomed to the devious plots of the two other girls, stay tuned to find out!
#1 Tue December 30, 2008 06:15

Time guide
I will ha ha
#2 Tue December 30, 2008 10:44

The Oscar
ouch. Good one
#4 Tue December 30, 2008 16:21

VIP Donator
Poor Erica. Hopefully she'll discover what 'really' happened - get her revenge - get the lead spot. Great. Thanks.
#5 Tue December 30, 2008 17:00

Junior Member
What is the spanker holding??
#7 Wed December 31, 2008 10:17

When I imagined it, it was a hairbrush. something you would easily find backstage to comn the girls hair before a performance. I guess i could have made it look more like a hairbrush, lol
#8 Wed December 31, 2008 23:36

great position, and I like the girls
siting there satisfied with their work.
#10 Tue January 20, 2009 18:47

charles wilbourn
Gold Member
two girls watching another spanked in ballet class.
#12 Fri July 11, 2014 20:34

Diamond Stud
The Pouty Artist
You did an excellent job drawing the congratulatory looks of the two brats in the background. They look so smug now, but hopefully they won't be sitting comfortably very long.
#13 Mon April 13, 2015 05:00

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